How did it go?

How’d you do on those dosage calculations questions? Scroll to the bottom to check your answers!


If it felt a little shaky, that's ok. 

Solving dosage calculations problems can be challenging at first, but I have every confidence you can conquer them!

One reason students struggle is because this is a do-or-die exam and the pressure to pass can really amp up the stress.

And, what's even more stressful is that many instructors don't even teach dosage calculations! They just tell you about the exam and leave you on your own to figure it out. 

So what happens is students waste a TON of time trying to teach themselves while falling farther and farther behind with the rest of their classes.

I don't want that to happen to you, which is why I created Confident Calculations.

Don't leave anything to chance. Learn how to do dosage calculations with total confidence!

Students are often shocked to learn they have to pass a math exam very early in nursing school or risk being expelled from the program. 

With Confident Calculations, you'll learn a step-by-step approach to mastering dosage calculations. 

Imagine walking into an exam that requires a very high score knowing you're going to pass the first time. That's exactly what thousands of students have experienced once they've gone through the lessons in Confident Calculations.


Don't just take it from me. Let's see what other students have to say!

Ready to kiss math anxiety goodbye?


How would it feel to have total confidence around math?


Want to stop struggling with math once and for all?


Dosage Calculation Answers

  1. Melissa: 3 tablets
  2. Calvin: 0.9 ml
  3. Ms Camposagrado: 100 ml / hr
  4. Ms Camposagrado: 333 mg
  5. Jeremy: 1.5 tablets at 3am (0300)
  6. Shawna: 6.67 ml
  7. History of Nursing: 84.2 oz and 5 venti coffees
  8. Elissa: 1.2 ml
  9. Riley: 0.12 ml
  10. 102 mcg

How’d you do with these?

If you struggled a bit, that’s ok! You are LEARNING and stumbling a bit is just part of the process. Which is why I take you step-by-step through all types of dosage calculations questions in Confident Calculations.


I'm Nurse Mo and I cannot wait to be your study buddy...

I was that student in nursing school who let it completely take over my life. I was obsessed with getting a 4.0 because I knew graduate school was in my future and, to be honest, I tied up my self-image with my academic success.

To say I was stressed, burned out, and completely depleted is a huge understatement. By the time I graduated I wasn't enjoying school at all. Heck, I was barely enjoying life.

Since graduating with my BSN (and now my MSN), I've seen thousands of nursing students suffer and struggle through nursing school. Whether they're trying for a perfect GPA or simply to pass (which is still an enormous accomplishment), the end result is often the same. 

They're stressed, overwhelmed, unhappy and, in a lot of cases, afraid. 

Becoming a nurse is an amazing transformation. With a little preparedness and some foundation concepts you can start nursing school strong, set aside the fear, and embark on your journey with confidence and joy. I can't wait to see all the amazing things you do!

Got questions? I've got answers!